Vissani MacchineVissani MacchineVissani Macchine
Mob.: +39 328 8298620
C.da Divina Pastora, 13
Vissani MacchineVissani MacchineVissani Macchine

Machinery for shoes and leather

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Within our site you can find the vast assortment of Vissani Macchine. We offer a wide range of overhauled and immediately available machines and equipment.

The best high-efficiency solutions with guaranteed second-hand products and maximum savings. Our supplies concern in particular: machines for processing leather items, machines for gluing, painting, folding, double-sided tape applications, machines for pressing, drying, machines used for cutting and preparing leather, linings and fabrics in the individual component parts the item to be produced.

Specifically, operators in the footwear sector will be able to find interesting machinery at Vissani Macchine such as: Cutting Machine, Splitting machine, Skiving machine, Sole assembling machine, Embossing machine.